Getting Started


To install python-bitcoinlib:

sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
pip install python-bitcoinlib
# Or for the latest git version
pip install git+

The RPC interface, bitcoin.rpc, is designed to work with Bitcoin Core v0.9. Older versions mostly work but there do exist some incompatibilities.

Example Code

See examples/ directory. For instance this example creates a transaction spending a pay-to-script-hash transaction output:

$ PYTHONPATH=. examples/
<hex-encoded transaction>

Also see dust-b-gone for a simple example of Bitcoin Core wallet interaction through the RPC interface:

Selecting the chain to use

Do the following:

import bitcoin

Where NAME is one of ‘testnet’, ‘mainnet’, or ‘regtest’. The chain currently selected is a global variable that changes behavior everywhere, just like in the Satoshi codebase.

Unit tests

Under bitcoin/tests using test data from Bitcoin Core. To run them:
