Source code for bitcoin.core.scripteval

# Copyright (C) 2012-2014 The python-bitcoinlib developers
# This file is part of python-bitcoinlib.
# It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level
# directory of this distribution.
# No part of python-bitcoinlib, including this file, may be copied, modified,
# propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the
# LICENSE file.

"""Script evaluation

Be warned that there are highly likely to be consensus bugs in this code; it is
unlikely to match Satoshi Bitcoin exactly. Think carefully before using this

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import sys
bord = ord
if sys.version > '3':
    long = int
    bord = lambda x: x

import copy
import hashlib

import bitcoin.core
import bitcoin.core.key
import bitcoin.core.serialize

from bitcoin.core.script import *

nMaxNumSize = 4


# Invalid even when occuring in an unexecuted OP_IF branch due to either being
# disabled, or never implemented.
disabled_opcodes = set((OP_VERIF, OP_VERNOTIF,
                        OP_CAT, OP_SUBSTR, OP_LEFT, OP_RIGHT, OP_INVERT, OP_AND,
                        OP_OR, OP_XOR, OP_2MUL, OP_2DIV, OP_MUL, OP_DIV, OP_MOD,
                        OP_LSHIFT, OP_RSHIFT))

[docs]class EvalScriptError(bitcoin.core.ValidationError): """Base class for exceptions raised when a script fails during EvalScript() The execution state just prior the opcode raising the is saved. (if available) """ def __init__(self, msg, sop=None, sop_data=None, sop_pc=None, stack=None, scriptIn=None, txTo=None, inIdx=None, flags=None, altstack=None, vfExec=None, pbegincodehash=None, nOpCount=None): super(EvalScriptError, self).__init__('EvalScript: %s' % msg) sop = sop sop_data = sop_data sop_pc = sop_pc stack = stack scriptIn = scriptIn txTo = txTo inIdx = inIdx flags = flags altstack = altstack vfExec = vfExec pbegincodehash = pbegincodehash nOpCount = nOpCount
[docs]class MaxOpCountError(EvalScriptError): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(MaxOpCountError, self).__init__('max opcode count exceeded',**kwargs)
[docs]class MissingOpArgumentsError(EvalScriptError): """Missing arguments""" def __init__(self, opcode, s, n, **kwargs): super(MissingOpArgumentsError, self).__init__( 'missing arguments for %s; need %d items, but only %d on stack' % (OPCODE_NAMES[opcode], n, len(s)), **kwargs)
[docs]class ArgumentsInvalidError(EvalScriptError): """Arguments are invalid""" def __init__(self, opcode, msg, **kwargs): super(ArgumentsInvalidError, self).__init__( '%s args invalid: %s' % (OPCODE_NAMES[opcode], msg), **kwargs)
[docs]class VerifyOpFailedError(EvalScriptError): """A VERIFY opcode failed""" def __init__(self, opcode, **kwargs): super(VerifyOpFailedError, self).__init__('%s failed' % OPCODE_NAMES[opcode], **kwargs)
def _CastToBigNum(s, err_raiser): v = bitcoin.core.bignum.vch2bn(s) if len(s) > nMaxNumSize: raise err_raiser(EvalScriptError, 'CastToBigNum() : overflow') return v def _CastToBool(s): for i in range(len(s)): sv = bord(s[i]) if sv != 0: if (i == (len(s) - 1)) and (sv == 0x80): return False return True return False def _CheckSig(sig, pubkey, script, txTo, inIdx, err_raiser): key = bitcoin.core.key.CECKey() key.set_pubkey(pubkey) if len(sig) == 0: return False hashtype = bord(sig[-1]) sig = sig[:-1] # Raw signature hash due to the SIGHASH_SINGLE bug # # Note that we never raise an exception if RawSignatureHash() returns an # error code. However the first error code case, where inIdx >= # len(, shouldn't ever happen during EvalScript() as that would # imply the scriptSig being checked doesn't correspond to a valid txout - # that should cause other validation machinery to fail long before we ever # got here. (h, err) = RawSignatureHash(script, txTo, inIdx, hashtype) return key.verify(h, sig) def _CheckMultiSig(opcode, script, stack, txTo, inIdx, err_raiser, nOpCount): i = 1 if len(stack) < i: err_raiser(MissingOpArgumentsError, opcode, stack, i) keys_count = _CastToBigNum(stack[-i], err_raiser) if keys_count < 0 or keys_count > 20: err_raiser(ArgumentsInvalidError, opcode, "keys count invalid") i += 1 ikey = i i += keys_count nOpCount[0] += keys_count if nOpCount[0] > MAX_SCRIPT_OPCODES: err_raiser(MaxOpCountError) if len(stack) < i: err_raiser(ArgumentsInvalidError, opcode, "not enough keys on stack") sigs_count = _CastToBigNum(stack[-i], err_raiser) if sigs_count < 0 or sigs_count > keys_count: err_raiser(ArgumentsInvalidError, opcode, "sigs count invalid") i += 1 isig = i i += sigs_count if len(stack) < i-1: raise err_raiser(ArgumentsInvalidError, opcode, "not enough sigs on stack") elif len(stack) < i: raise err_raiser(ArgumentsInvalidError, opcode, "missing dummy value") # Drop the signature, since there's no way for a signature to sign itself # # Of course, this can only come up in very contrived cases now that # scriptSig and scriptPubKey are processed separately. for k in range(sigs_count): sig = stack[-isig - k] script = FindAndDelete(script, CScript([sig])) success = True while success and sigs_count > 0: sig = stack[-isig] pubkey = stack[-ikey] if _CheckSig(sig, pubkey, script, txTo, inIdx, err_raiser): isig += 1 sigs_count -= 1 ikey += 1 keys_count -= 1 if sigs_count > keys_count: success = False # with VERIFY bail now before we modify the stack if opcode == OP_CHECKMULTISIGVERIFY: err_raiser(VerifyOpFailedError, opcode) while i > 0: stack.pop() i -= 1 if opcode == OP_CHECKMULTISIG: if success: stack.append(b"\x01") else: stack.append(b"\x00") # OP_2MUL and OP_2DIV are *not* included in this list as they are disabled ISA_UNOP = { OP_1ADD, OP_1SUB, OP_NEGATE, OP_ABS, OP_NOT, OP_0NOTEQUAL, } def _UnaryOp(opcode, stack, err_raiser): if len(stack) < 1: err_raiser(MissingOpArgumentsError, opcode, stack, 1) bn = _CastToBigNum(stack[-1], err_raiser) stack.pop() if opcode == OP_1ADD: bn += 1 elif opcode == OP_1SUB: bn -= 1 elif opcode == OP_NEGATE: bn = -bn elif opcode == OP_ABS: if bn < 0: bn = -bn elif opcode == OP_NOT: bn = long(bn == 0) elif opcode == OP_0NOTEQUAL: bn = long(bn != 0) else: raise AssertionError("Unknown unary opcode encountered; this should not happen") stack.append(bitcoin.core.bignum.bn2vch(bn)) # OP_LSHIFT and OP_RSHIFT are *not* included in this list as they are disabled ISA_BINOP = { OP_ADD, OP_SUB, OP_BOOLAND, OP_BOOLOR, OP_NUMEQUAL, OP_NUMEQUALVERIFY, OP_NUMNOTEQUAL, OP_LESSTHAN, OP_GREATERTHAN, OP_LESSTHANOREQUAL, OP_GREATERTHANOREQUAL, OP_MIN, OP_MAX, } def _BinOp(opcode, stack, err_raiser): if len(stack) < 2: err_raiser(MissingOpArgumentsError, opcode, stack, 2) bn2 = _CastToBigNum(stack[-1], err_raiser) bn1 = _CastToBigNum(stack[-2], err_raiser) # We don't pop the stack yet so that OP_NUMEQUALVERIFY can raise # VerifyOpFailedError with a correct stack. if opcode == OP_ADD: bn = bn1 + bn2 elif opcode == OP_SUB: bn = bn1 - bn2 elif opcode == OP_BOOLAND: bn = long(bn1 != 0 and bn2 != 0) elif opcode == OP_BOOLOR: bn = long(bn1 != 0 or bn2 != 0) elif opcode == OP_NUMEQUAL: bn = long(bn1 == bn2) elif opcode == OP_NUMEQUALVERIFY: bn = long(bn1 == bn2) if not bn: err_raiser(VerifyOpFailedError, opcode) else: # No exception, so time to pop the stack stack.pop() stack.pop() return elif opcode == OP_NUMNOTEQUAL: bn = long(bn1 != bn2) elif opcode == OP_LESSTHAN: bn = long(bn1 < bn2) elif opcode == OP_GREATERTHAN: bn = long(bn1 > bn2) elif opcode == OP_LESSTHANOREQUAL: bn = long(bn1 <= bn2) elif opcode == OP_GREATERTHANOREQUAL: bn = long(bn1 >= bn2) elif opcode == OP_MIN: if bn1 < bn2: bn = bn1 else: bn = bn2 elif opcode == OP_MAX: if bn1 > bn2: bn = bn1 else: bn = bn2 else: raise AssertionError("Unknown binop opcode encountered; this should not happen") stack.pop() stack.pop() stack.append(bitcoin.core.bignum.bn2vch(bn)) def _CheckExec(vfExec): for b in vfExec: if not b: return False return True def _EvalScript(stack, scriptIn, txTo, inIdx, flags=()): """Evaluate a script """ if len(scriptIn) > MAX_SCRIPT_SIZE: raise EvalScriptError('script too large; got %d bytes; maximum %d bytes' % (len(scriptIn), MAX_SCRIPT_SIZE), stack=stack, scriptIn=scriptIn, txTo=txTo, inIdx=inIdx, flags=flags) altstack = [] vfExec = [] pbegincodehash = 0 nOpCount = [0] for (sop, sop_data, sop_pc) in scriptIn.raw_iter(): fExec = _CheckExec(vfExec) def err_raiser(cls, *args): """Helper function for raising EvalScriptError exceptions cls - subclass you want to raise *args - arguments Fills in the state of execution for you. """ raise cls(*args, sop=sop, sop_data=sop_data, sop_pc=sop_pc, stack=stack, scriptIn=scriptIn, txTo=txTo, inIdx=inIdx, flags=flags, altstack=altstack, vfExec=vfExec, pbegincodehash=pbegincodehash, nOpCount=nOpCount[0]) if sop in disabled_opcodes: err_raiser(EvalScriptError, 'opcode %s is disabled' % OPCODE_NAMES[sop]) if sop > OP_16: nOpCount[0] += 1 if nOpCount[0] > MAX_SCRIPT_OPCODES: err_raiser(MaxOpCountError) def check_args(n): if len(stack) < n: err_raiser(MissingOpArgumentsError, sop, stack, n) if sop <= OP_PUSHDATA4: if len(sop_data) > MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE: err_raiser(EvalScriptError, 'PUSHDATA of length %d; maximum allowed is %d' % (len(sop_data), MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE)) elif fExec: stack.append(sop_data) continue elif fExec or (OP_IF <= sop <= OP_ENDIF): if sop == OP_1NEGATE or ((sop >= OP_1) and (sop <= OP_16)): v = sop - (OP_1 - 1) stack.append(bitcoin.core.bignum.bn2vch(v)) elif sop in ISA_BINOP: _BinOp(sop, stack, err_raiser) elif sop in ISA_UNOP: _UnaryOp(sop, stack, err_raiser) elif sop == OP_2DROP: check_args(2) stack.pop() stack.pop() elif sop == OP_2DUP: check_args(2) v1 = stack[-2] v2 = stack[-1] stack.append(v1) stack.append(v2) elif sop == OP_2OVER: check_args(4) v1 = stack[-4] v2 = stack[-3] stack.append(v1) stack.append(v2) elif sop == OP_2ROT: check_args(6) v1 = stack[-6] v2 = stack[-5] del stack[-6] del stack[-5] stack.append(v1) stack.append(v2) elif sop == OP_2SWAP: check_args(4) tmp = stack[-4] stack[-4] = stack[-2] stack[-2] = tmp tmp = stack[-3] stack[-3] = stack[-1] stack[-1] = tmp elif sop == OP_3DUP: check_args(3) v1 = stack[-3] v2 = stack[-2] v3 = stack[-1] stack.append(v1) stack.append(v2) stack.append(v3) elif sop == OP_CHECKMULTISIG or sop == OP_CHECKMULTISIGVERIFY: tmpScript = CScript(scriptIn[pbegincodehash:]) _CheckMultiSig(sop, tmpScript, stack, txTo, inIdx, err_raiser, nOpCount) elif sop == OP_CHECKSIG or sop == OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY: check_args(2) vchPubKey = stack[-1] vchSig = stack[-2] tmpScript = CScript(scriptIn[pbegincodehash:]) # Drop the signature, since there's no way for a signature to sign itself # # Of course, this can only come up in very contrived cases now that # scriptSig and scriptPubKey are processed separately. tmpScript = FindAndDelete(tmpScript, CScript([vchSig])) ok = _CheckSig(vchSig, vchPubKey, tmpScript, txTo, inIdx, err_raiser) if not ok and sop == OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY: err_raiser(VerifyOpFailedError, sop) else: stack.pop() stack.pop() if ok: if sop != OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY: stack.append(b"\x01") else: stack.append(b"\x00") elif sop == OP_CODESEPARATOR: pbegincodehash = sop_pc elif sop == OP_DEPTH: bn = len(stack) stack.append(bitcoin.core.bignum.bn2vch(bn)) elif sop == OP_DROP: check_args(1) stack.pop() elif sop == OP_DUP: check_args(1) v = stack[-1] stack.append(v) elif sop == OP_ELSE: if len(vfExec) == 0: err_raiser(EvalScriptError, 'ELSE found without prior IF') vfExec[-1] = not vfExec[-1] elif sop == OP_ENDIF: if len(vfExec) == 0: err_raiser(EvalScriptError, 'ENDIF found without prior IF') vfExec.pop() elif sop == OP_EQUAL: check_args(2) v1 = stack.pop() v2 = stack.pop() if v1 == v2: stack.append(b"\x01") else: stack.append(b"\x00") elif sop == OP_EQUALVERIFY: check_args(2) v1 = stack[-1] v2 = stack[-2] if v1 == v2: stack.pop() stack.pop() else: err_raiser(VerifyOpFailedError, sop) elif sop == OP_FROMALTSTACK: if len(altstack) < 1: err_raiser(MissingOpArgumentsError, sop, altstack, 1) v = altstack.pop() stack.append(v) elif sop == OP_HASH160: check_args(1) stack.append(bitcoin.core.serialize.Hash160(stack.pop())) elif sop == OP_HASH256: check_args(1) stack.append(bitcoin.core.serialize.Hash(stack.pop())) elif sop == OP_IF or sop == OP_NOTIF: val = False if fExec: check_args(1) vch = stack.pop() val = _CastToBool(vch) if sop == OP_NOTIF: val = not val vfExec.append(val) elif sop == OP_IFDUP: check_args(1) vch = stack[-1] if _CastToBool(vch): stack.append(vch) elif sop == OP_NIP: check_args(2) del stack[-2] elif sop == OP_NOP or (sop >= OP_NOP1 and sop <= OP_NOP10): pass elif sop == OP_OVER: check_args(2) vch = stack[-2] stack.append(vch) elif sop == OP_PICK or sop == OP_ROLL: check_args(2) n = _CastToBigNum(stack.pop(), err_raiser) if n < 0 or n >= len(stack): err_raiser(EvalScriptError, "Argument for %s out of bounds" % OPCODE_NAMES[sop]) vch = stack[-n-1] if sop == OP_ROLL: del stack[-n-1] stack.append(vch) elif sop == OP_RETURN: err_raiser(EvalScriptError, "OP_RETURN called") elif sop == OP_RIPEMD160: check_args(1) h ='ripemd160') h.update(stack.pop()) stack.append(h.digest()) elif sop == OP_ROT: check_args(3) tmp = stack[-3] stack[-3] = stack[-2] stack[-2] = tmp tmp = stack[-2] stack[-2] = stack[-1] stack[-1] = tmp elif sop == OP_SIZE: check_args(1) bn = len(stack[-1]) stack.append(bitcoin.core.bignum.bn2vch(bn)) elif sop == OP_SHA1: check_args(1) stack.append(hashlib.sha1(stack.pop()).digest()) elif sop == OP_SHA256: check_args(1) stack.append(hashlib.sha256(stack.pop()).digest()) elif sop == OP_SWAP: check_args(2) tmp = stack[-2] stack[-2] = stack[-1] stack[-1] = tmp elif sop == OP_TOALTSTACK: check_args(1) v = stack.pop() altstack.append(v) elif sop == OP_TUCK: check_args(2) vch = stack[-1] stack.insert(len(stack) - 2, vch) elif sop == OP_VERIFY: check_args(1) v = _CastToBool(stack[-1]) if v: stack.pop() else: raise err_raiser(VerifyOpFailedError, sop) elif sop == OP_WITHIN: check_args(3) bn3 = _CastToBigNum(stack[-1], err_raiser) bn2 = _CastToBigNum(stack[-2], err_raiser) bn1 = _CastToBigNum(stack[-3], err_raiser) stack.pop() stack.pop() stack.pop() v = (bn2 <= bn1) and (bn1 < bn3) if v: stack.append(b"\x01") else: stack.append(b"\x00") else: err_raiser(EvalScriptError, 'unsupported opcode 0x%x' % sop) # size limits if len(stack) + len(altstack) > MAX_STACK_ITEMS: err_raiser(EvalScriptError, 'max stack items limit reached') # Unterminated IF/NOTIF/ELSE block if len(vfExec): raise EvalScriptError('Unterminated IF/ELSE block', stack=stack, scriptIn=scriptIn, txTo=txTo, inIdx=inIdx, flags=flags)
[docs]def EvalScript(stack, scriptIn, txTo, inIdx, flags=()): """Evaluate a script stack - Initial stack scriptIn - Script txTo - Transaction the script is a part of inIdx - txin index of the scriptSig flags - SCRIPT_VERIFY_* flags to apply """ try: _EvalScript(stack, scriptIn, txTo, inIdx, flags=flags) except CScriptInvalidError as err: raise EvalScriptError(repr(err), stack=stack, scriptIn=scriptIn, txTo=txTo, inIdx=inIdx, flags=flags)
[docs]class VerifyScriptError(bitcoin.core.ValidationError): pass
[docs]def VerifyScript(scriptSig, scriptPubKey, txTo, inIdx, flags=()): """Verify a scriptSig satisfies a scriptPubKey scriptSig - Signature scriptPubKey - PubKey txTo - Spending transaction inIdx - Index of the transaction input containing scriptSig Raises a ValidationError subclass if the validation fails. """ stack = [] EvalScript(stack, scriptSig, txTo, inIdx, flags=flags) if SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH in flags: stackCopy = list(stack) EvalScript(stack, scriptPubKey, txTo, inIdx, flags=flags) if len(stack) == 0: raise VerifyScriptError("scriptPubKey left an empty stack") if not _CastToBool(stack[-1]): raise VerifyScriptError("scriptPubKey returned false") # Additional validation for spend-to-script-hash transactions if SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH in flags and scriptPubKey.is_p2sh(): if not scriptSig.is_push_only(): raise VerifyScriptError("P2SH scriptSig not is_push_only()") # stackCopy cannot be empty here, because if it was the # P2SH HASH <> EQUAL scriptPubKey would be evaluated with # an empty stack and the EvalScript above would return false. assert len(stackCopy) pubKey2 = CScript(stackCopy.pop()) EvalScript(stackCopy, pubKey2, txTo, inIdx, flags=flags) if not len(stackCopy): raise VerifyScriptError("P2SH inner scriptPubKey left an empty stack") if not _CastToBool(stackCopy[-1]): raise VerifyScriptError("P2SH inner scriptPubKey returned false")
[docs]class VerifySignatureError(bitcoin.core.ValidationError): pass
[docs]def VerifySignature(txFrom, txTo, inIdx): """Verify a scriptSig signature can spend a txout Verifies that the scriptSig in[inIdx] is a valid scriptSig for the corresponding COutPoint in transaction txFrom. """ if inIdx < 0: raise VerifySignatureError("inIdx negative") if inIdx >= len( raise VerifySignatureError("inIdx >= len(") txin =[inIdx] if txin.prevout.n < 0: raise VerifySignatureError("txin prevout.n negative") if txin.prevout.n >= len(txFrom.vout): raise VerifySignatureError("txin prevout.n >= len(txFrom.vout)") txout = txFrom.vout[txin.prevout.n] if txin.prevout.hash != txFrom.GetHash(): raise VerifySignatureError("prevout hash does not match txFrom") VerifyScript(txin.scriptSig, txout.scriptPubKey, txTo, inIdx)