Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2012-2014 The python-bitcoinlib developers
# This file is part of python-bitcoinlib.
# It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level
# directory of this distribution.
# No part of python-bitcoinlib, including this file, may be copied, modified,
# propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the
# LICENSE file.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import struct
import socket
from binascii import hexlify

from .core.serialize import *

[docs]class CAddress(Serializable): def __init__(self, protover=PROTO_VERSION): self.protover = protover self.nTime = 0 self.nServices = 1 self.pchReserved = b"\x00" * 10 + b"\xff" * 2 self.ip = "" self.port = 0 @classmethod
[docs] def stream_deserialize(cls, f, without_time=False): c = cls() if c.protover >= CADDR_TIME_VERSION and not without_time: c.nTime = struct.unpack(b"<I", ser_read(f, 4))[0] c.nServices = struct.unpack(b"<Q", ser_read(f, 8))[0] c.pchReserved = ser_read(f, 12) c.ip = socket.inet_ntoa(ser_read(f, 4)) c.port = struct.unpack(b">H", ser_read(f, 2))[0] return c
[docs] def stream_serialize(self, f, without_time=False): if self.protover >= CADDR_TIME_VERSION and not without_time: f.write(struct.pack(b"<I", self.nTime)) f.write(struct.pack(b"<Q", self.nServices)) f.write(self.pchReserved) f.write(socket.inet_aton(self.ip)) f.write(struct.pack(b">H", self.port))
def __repr__(self): return "CAddress(nTime=%d nServices=%i ip=%s port=%i)" % (self.nTime, self.nServices, self.ip, self.port)
[docs]class CInv(Serializable): typemap = { 0: "Error", 1: "TX", 2: "Block", 3: "FilteredBlock"} def __init__(self): self.type = 0 self.hash = 0 @classmethod
[docs] def stream_deserialize(cls, f): c = cls() c.type = struct.unpack(b"<i", ser_read(f, 4))[0] c.hash = ser_read(f, 32) return c
[docs] def stream_serialize(self, f): f.write(struct.pack(b"<i", self.type)) f.write(self.hash)
def __repr__(self): return "CInv(type=%s hash=%s)" % (self.typemap[self.type], hexlify(self.hash))
[docs]class CBlockLocator(Serializable): def __init__(self, protover=PROTO_VERSION): self.nVersion = protover self.vHave = [] @classmethod
[docs] def stream_deserialize(cls, f): c = cls() c.nVersion = struct.unpack(b"<i", ser_read(f, 4))[0] c.vHave = uint256VectorSerializer.stream_deserialize(f) return c
[docs] def stream_serialize(self, f): f.write(struct.pack(b"<i", self.nVersion)) uint256VectorSerializer.stream_serialize(self.vHave, f)
def __repr__(self): return "CBlockLocator(nVersion=%i vHave=%s)" % (self.nVersion, repr(self.vHave))
[docs]class CUnsignedAlert(Serializable): def __init__(self): self.nVersion = 1 self.nRelayUntil = 0 self.nExpiration = 0 self.nID = 0 self.nCancel = 0 self.setCancel = [] self.nMinVer = 0 self.nMaxVer = 0 self.setSubVer = [] self.nPriority = 0 self.strComment = b"" self.strStatusBar = b"" self.strReserved = b"" @classmethod
[docs] def stream_deserialize(cls, f): c = cls() c.nVersion = struct.unpack(b"<i", ser_read(f,4))[0] c.nRelayUntil = struct.unpack(b"<q", ser_read(f,8))[0] c.nExpiration = struct.unpack(b"<q", ser_read(f,8))[0] c.nID = struct.unpack(b"<i", ser_read(f,4))[0] c.nCancel = struct.unpack(b"<i", ser_read(f,4))[0] c.setCancel = intVectorSerialzer.deserialize(f) c.nMinVer = struct.unpack(b"<i", ser_read(f,4))[0] c.nMaxVer = struct.unpack(b"<i", ser_read(f,4))[0] c.setSubVer = VarStringSerializer.deserialize(f) c.nPriority = struct.unpack(b"<i", ser_read(f,4))[0] c.strComment = VarStringSerializer.deserialize(f) c.strStatusBar = VarStringSerializer.deserialize(f) c.strReserved = VarStringSerializer.deserialize(f) return c
[docs] def stream_serialize(self, f): f.write(struct.pack(b"<i", self.nVersion)) f.write(struct.pack(b"<q", self.nRelayUntil)) f.write(struct.pack(b"<q", self.nExpiration)) f.write(struct.pack(b"<i", self.nID)) f.write(struct.pack(b"<i", self.nCancel)) f.write(ser_int_vector(self.setCancel)) f.write(struct.pack(b"<i", self.nMinVer)) f.write(struct.pack(b"<i", self.nMaxVer)) f.write(ser_string_vector(self.setSubVer)) f.write(struct.pack(b"<i", self.nPriority)) f.write(ser_string(self.strComment)) f.write(ser_string(self.strStatusBar)) f.write(ser_string(self.strReserved))
def __repr__(self): return "CUnsignedAlert(nVersion %d, nRelayUntil %d, nExpiration %d, nID %d, nCancel %d, nMinVer %d, nMaxVer %d, nPriority %d, strComment %s, strStatusBar %s, strReserved %s)" % (self.nVersion, self.nRelayUntil, self.nExpiration, self.nID, self.nCancel, self.nMinVer, self.nMaxVer, self.nPriority, self.strComment, self.strStatusBar, self.strReserved)
[docs]class CAlert(Serializable): def __init__(self): self.vchMsg = b"" self.vchSig = b"" @classmethod
[docs] def stream_deserialize(cls, f): c = cls() c.vchMsg = VarStringSerializer.stream_deserialize(f) c.vchSig = VarStringSerializer.stream_deserialize(f) return c
[docs] def stream_serialize(self, f): VarStringSerializer.stream_serialize(self.vchMsg, f) VarStringSerializer.stream_serialize(self.vchSig, f)
def __repr__(self): return "CAlert( %d, %d)" % (len(self.vchMsg), len(self.vchSig))